Is it a boy or a girl calculator is used to find out the gender of the baby before he/she is born. This calculator consists of various questions like a quiz; that predict whether expect a boy or a girl.
The results of some of the questions show that it is a girl, while the results of some of the questions point that it is a boy.
More than fifty percent of the people want to know the sex of their baby, so these calculators are a non-medical method and play a major role in finding out whether they are having a boy or a girl.
During the first twenty months, all babies go through similar phases; it has been proved through research that all babies go through predictable, major and age-linked phases in the first twenty months, so it is easy to predict the gender of your future baby using is it a boy or a girl calculator.
This article consists of some of the best is it a boy or a girl calculators, which give accurate predictions based on the quiz you took. Go through this article and you will find some of the best is it a boy or a girl calculators for yourself.
You will be surprised to see the number of is it a boy or a girl calculator applications and websites available on the internet.
Best Is It a Boy or a Girl Calculator
1. The Wonder Weeks: Is It a Boy or a Girl Calculator
The Wonder Weeks is not only a tool but it also has an application available on the apple store and Google store.
It is also available in the form of a book that consists of all the information you require during pregnancy and it helps you to find out what is the gender of your baby.
The Wonder Weeks is a very easy-to-use calculator; it consists of multiple-choice questions that you have to answer according to your symptoms and experiences during your pregnancy.
After submitting the results of the quiz, the website will calculate the sex of your baby.
The Wonder Weeks contain all the information that is required by parents-to-be or new parents.
It is a complete guide to finding out if is it a boy or a girl along with post-delivery phases; how to bring up/groom, look after and feed your baby.
2. What To Expect: Is It a Boy or a Girl Calculator
What to expect is basically a Chinese prediction calculator that helps to determine whether it is a boy or a girl through the birth date of the mother, her conception date and the due date of her delivery.
This calculator takes all the numbers and converts them into the mother’s lunar age and the lunar date of conception. The results predict whether the mother will have a boy or a girl.
Chinese prediction calculators have been used for centuries for curious and eager parents to find out if they are having a boy or a girl.
It has been proved by Chinese astrology that these calculators do pretty well in predicting the sex of the baby.
During the second trimester, the gender of the baby is determined through ultrasound, but that’s a long wait so the Chinese prediction calculator is an easy, effective and up to ninety-three percent accurate method to find out if is it a boy or a girl.
3. Baby Centre: Is It a Boy or a Girl Calculator
Baby centre is a UK-based calculator and an online club that assists mothers to find out the expected sex of their babies and get through the difficult phases of pregnancy like nausea, ingestion, gestural issues etc.
Baby centre has a wide range of questions and it also uses the birth date along with the conception date of the mother to give accurate results.
Baby centre also helps you to track your and the baby’s development throughout the pregnancy, which makes it easy for you to know which trimester has started and what likely symptoms are you going to experience in that phase of your pregnancy.
4. The Gender Experts: Is It a Boy or a Girl Calculator
The gender experts have a huge range of charts, calculators and calendars. They help to track your pregnancy or you can even use them when you are trying to conceive.
The gender experts use different prediction methods that are not necessarily mainstream, they are different from the ancient Chinese prediction calculators and are equally entertaining.
The gender experts have a vibrant and colorful calculator with different illustrations and charts to make it more interesting, user-friendly and intelligible for the users.
The predictions are based on math, astronomy and the symptoms of the mother. All the data is required to give the best possible prediction that whether it is a boy or a girl.
The working mechanism is simple and understandable. The display page has two sections; one with the information required along with the explanation of the method and the other with the empty boxes where you have to enter the information.
The information required is the age of the mother when she conceived and the number of the conception month (1 = January, 2 = February).
If both numbers (age of the mother and number of conception month) are even or both numbers are odd, then it is likely that you are expecting a girl.
If one number (mother’s age) is odd and the other number (number of the conception month) is even or vice versa; then it likely that you are expecting a boy.
This is method is effective and shows that a woman’s fertility cycle has a direct relation with the monthly lunar cycles.
In the lunar cycle, it is necessary to know the zodiac signs of the father and mother in which the moon was aligned during the lunar conception.
This calculator also allows the mothers to submit their ultrasound results during the first trimester and get the predicted sex of the baby.
5. Happiest Baby: Is It a Boy or a Girl Calculator
Happiest baby calculator consists of gender prediction traditions from around the globe.
Typically parents find out whether they are having a boy or a girl through an anatomy test/scan by the 20th week of pregnancy or through a blood test during the 10th or 12th week of pregnancy.
But before that period, some parents are so restless to find out if they are having a boy or a girl, they use different calculators.
Most calculators have quizzes or use the Chinese prediction method, but Happiest baby calculator uses traditional guesses to predict the sex of the baby, because some users do not want to spend so much time answering questions so they go for such traditional prediction calculators.
Morning sickness according to the traditional prediction methods can be used to determine the biological sex of the baby.
If you are ailing and you turn green at smelling different things then you are likely to have a girl, but if you pass the morning sickness and do not puke at every whiff then you are having a boy.
Sweet or salty cravings are directly related to the sex of your baby. If you crave sweet things during your pregnancy then it is likely that a girl is on its way, but if you crave savoury or salty things then it is likely that a boy is on its way.
Moroccan gender prediction method is an old method that was mostly used by Moroccan people but with time it started getting practiced in other parts of the world.
If you put a crawling insect on your belly, its landing will determine the gender of the baby. If it lands directly on its feet then you are having a boy and if it lands upside down then you are having a girl.
Happiest baby calculator is not only effortless to use but it is also fun; the users enjoy using it.
This calculator allows the users to register with them via email and get ideas for setting up the baby room, from where to buy baby clothes and what mandatory stuff is required before the baby makes an entrance into this world.
Biology behind the gender of the baby
When a woman conceives, the biological sex of the baby is determined by the male chromosomes which are; XY.
A woman has two XX chromosomes, so when a male gives one of the chromosomes (either X or Y), which combines with one of the female’s X chromosomes, then the actual sex of the baby is determined.
End Note
Is it a boy or a girl calculators are uncomplicated and useful tools if you certainly want to find the gender of your future baby before the second trimester.
There are various is it a boy or a girl calculators available in the market and online with different methods and interfaces. You just need to find the one that suits you the best.