PSA Method Calculator
High-level competitive play comes down to being your most comfortable, and getting consistent results. To achieve this, you will need to not only practice but make sure you aren’t fighting against the game or your equipment during play. To get the most out of your practice time, and your playtime, you want to make sure your mouse sensitivity is dialed in just right for you.
PSA Method Calculator
The PSA method is a tool that you can use to make sure that you are playing with a mouse sensitivity that feels natural to you and makes the most out of your strengths with a mouse and mitigates your weaknesses. PSA stands for perfect sensitivity approximation, and to find this value would normally require some annoying math, but there is a PSA method calculator that you can use online that streamlines the process and makes it much more manageable.
To use the calculator you will need to find a stationary target and you will need to keep track of your mouse sensitivity for each step in the process. The first part will require you to try to make a 360-degree turn by starting from the far left side of your mouse pad to the far right. Crank up your sensitivity or lower it until you can pull it off in one sweep of the mouse.
Once you have that number, enter it into the calculator program and it will give you your high and low sensitivity settings. Test the high and low calculations on a static target at long, mid, and close range and pick between the high and low which is most comfortable. On the PSA calculator click higher or lower and it will calculate another set of mouse sensitivity options for you to test. Rinse and repeat until you find what feels the best for you.
There is some debate as to how best find the perfect sensitivity, and with people varying so widely there is no one size fits all sensitivity level, but using the PSA method, you can calculate how well you utilize the three zones on your arm for aiming with your mouse and find the sensitivity level that will allow you to make the most of your arm, your wrist and your fingers to find your target, and hit your mark.
This is a PSA (perfect sensitivity approximation) calculator. At first type in your starting sensitivity (the sensitivity that completes a 360 moving your mouse across your mousepad from one end to the other). Test the higher and lower value and find the fastest to adapt sensitivity. Choose lower or higher value on each iteration. Repeat for the next iterations. Support table for the PSA Method as explained in the ioStux Coaching Tutorial found here:
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